
今天回家整理舊CD,突然翻到一張久遠的專輯,以前叱吒風雲的Ace of Base-Happy Nation,這張以前可是紅爆了
主打的all that she want不說,the sign也是有驚人的成蹟,他們也是繼70年代的ABBA和80年代的Roxette之後的瑞典國寶
從一開始的Happy Nation(有重的舞曲的味道,以前的最愛),The Bridge(這張是我最愛的專輯了,更勝第一張)
Flower(這張的風格跟前兩張完全不同,初聽可能會不習慣,但是越聽越好聽),Da Capo(這張是他們的最後一張,也是沒有太大賣)
就讓我們從開始介紹起吧!!第一張初出驚人之作Happy Nation是從丹麥開始紅起來,之後更是被美國一家公司發行後,
在美國大紅大大紫,ace of base的成員很特別幾乎可說是家族了,哥哥加兩個妹妹外加一個外人,哈~~不是外人,是哥哥的朋友啦!
若我沒記錯的話,光是Happy Nation這張專輯全球好像就有2000萬張的樣子
其中又以All that she want & The sign是最有名的,就容我請大家好好欣賞這90年代的兩首好歌吧~~

Happy Nation國際版封面
Ace of base - All that she want

She leads a lonely life
She leads a lonely life

When she woke up late in the morning light
And the day had just begun
She opened up her eyes and thought
Oh what a morning
It's not a day for work
It's a day for catching tan
Just lying on the beach and having fun
She's going to get you

All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants - all that she wants

So if you are in sight and the day is right
She's the hunter you're the fox
The gentle voice that talks to you won't talk forever
It is a night for passion
But the morning means goodbye
Beware of what is flashing in her eyes
She's going to get you

All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby

All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants - all that she wants
Ace of base - The Sign

I got a new life
You would hardly recognize me
Im so glad
How can a person like me care for you
Why do I bother
When youre not the one for me
Is enough enough
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
Life is demanding without understanding
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
No ones gonna drag you up
To get into the light where you belong
But where do you belong
Under the pale moon
For so many years Ive wondered
Who you are
How can a person like you bring me joy
Under the pale moon
Where I see a lot of stars
Is enough enough
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
Life is demanding without understanding
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
No ones gonna drag you up
To get into the light where you belong
But where do you belong
I saw the sign and it opened up my mind
And I am happy now
Living without you
Ive left you all alone
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
No ones gonna drag you up
To get into the light where you belong
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
    創作者 juliantron 的頭像


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